Segnalazioni Gennaio Febbraio Marzo Aprile Maggio June July September December
News 2000 News 1999 News 1998


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December 2001
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Section: Neo graeca medii aevi
George Finlay :
History of the Bizantine Empire from DCCXVI to MLVII
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Section: Tradition
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Section :History of art, Spirituality
Walter Pater:
Winkelmann, et ego in Arcadia fui, part 1,2 and 3

Excerpt from The Renaissance, studies in Art and Poetry, MacMillan and Co., London and New York 1893
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Section: Theatre
Oscar Wilde:
The critic as artist, part 3
: The raise of the historical criticism
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September 2001
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Section :History of art, Spirituality
Walter Pater: Winkelmann, et ego in Arcadia fui, part 1 and 2
Excerpt from The Renaissance, studies in Art and Poetry, MacMillan and Co., London and New York 1893
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Section: Theatre

Oscar Wilde: The critic as artist, parts 1 and 2: A Dialogue
With some remarks upon the importance of doing nothing  
PERSONS: Gilbert and Ernest.   
SCENE: the library of a house in Piccadilly overlooking the Green Park.

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Section :Travels in the Greek World

Mark Twain: The innocents abroad - From Athens to Piraeus
Excerpt from: Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad, 1869.

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Section : Travels in the Greek World

Richard Monckton Milnes, First Baron Houghton:  
Memorial of a tour in Greece, chiefly poetical, The Rocks of Meteora
Excerpt from: Richard Monckton Milnes, Memorials of a Tour in Greece, Chiefly Poetical, London 1834


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July 2001
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Section: Theatre

Oscar Wilde: The critic as artist, part 1: A Dialogue
With some remarks upon the importance of doing nothing  
PERSONS: Gilbert and Ernest.   
SCENE: the library of a house in Piccadilly overlooking the Green Park.

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Section: Poetry
To the friends of Hellenismos we offer a poem in prose that Oscar Wilde wrote after a personal inspiration from Greek mythology
Oscar Wilde: The disciple
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Section :History of art, Spirituality

Walter Pater: Winkelmann, et ego in Arcadia fui, part 1
Excerpt from The Renaissance, studies in Art and Poetry, MacMillan and Co., London and New York 1893

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Section : Travels in the Greek World
Let LORD BYRON (1788-1824) take you on a literary tour of the Greek world as it emerger from some letters he wrote to his mother and to some aquaintances of his. PART 3
- To John Cam Hobhouse, The Convent, Athens, August 23rd, 1810
- To John Cam Hobhouse, Patras, October 2nd, 1810
- To John Cam Hobhouse, Patras, Morea, October 4th, 1810


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June 2001
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Section : Travels in the Greek World, Greek Language
Georg Voigt: Ciriaco d'Ancona
Da GEORG VOIGT, Il risorgimento dell'antichitą classica ovvero il primo secolo dell'umanismo, vol. I, Firenze 1888, pp. 266, 269-279. Trad. a cura di D. Valbusa.
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Section : Greek Language
Georg Voigt: Libri greci in Italia
Da GEORG VOIGT, Il risorgimento dell'antichitą classica ovvero il primo secolo dell'umanismo, vol. I., Firenze 1888, pp. 234 ss., 260-265. Trad. a cura di D. Valbusa.
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Section : Travels in the Greek World

Let LORD BYRON (1788-1824) take you on a literary tour of the Greek world as it emerger from some letters he wrote to his mother and to some aquaintances of his. PART 2
- To his Mother, Constantinople, June 28, 1810
- To John Cam Hobhouse, Patras, July 29th, 1810
- To John Cam Hobhouse, Tripolitza, August 16th, 1810

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Section: Prose
Kostas E. Tsiropoulos: Hallucinations
From ©Kostas. E. Tsiropoulos, Hallucinations, Athens 1995
Transl. from Greek by ©Mauro Giachetti
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Section: Poetry

Kostas E. Tsiropoulos: First Hallucination
From ©Kostas. E. Tsiropoulos, Exercise Book of Hallucinations, Athens 1979
Transl. from Greek by ©Mauro Giachetti

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Section : Greek Language

Georg Voigt: Petrarca e la lingua greca
Da Georg Voigt, Il risorgimento dell'antichitą classica ovvero il primo secolo dell'umanismo, Firenze 1888, vol. I, pp.50-54.  Trad. a cura di D. Valbusa.

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Section : Travels in the Greek World

Let LORD BYRON (1788-1824) take you on a literary tour of the Greek world as it emerger from some letters he wrote to his mother and to some aquaintances of his. PART 1
- To his Mother, Prevesa, November 12, 1809
- To Henry Drury, Salsette frigate, May 3, 1810
- To Francis Hodgson, Salsette frigate, in the Dardanelles, off Abydos, May 5, 1810

- To his Mother, Prevesa, November 12, 1809
- To Henry Drury, Salsette frigate, May 3, 1810
- To Francis Hodgson, Salsette frigate, in the Dardanelles, off Abydos, May 5, 1810
- To his Mother, Constantinople, June 28, 1810
- To John Cam Hobhouse, Patras, July 29th, 1810
- To John Cam Hobhouse, Tripolitza, August 16th, 1810
- To John Cam Hobhouse, The Convent, Athens, August 23rd, 1810
- To John Cam Hobhouse, Patras, October 2nd, 1810
- To John Cam Hobhouse, Patras, Morea, October 4th, 1810
- To John Cam Hobhouse, Capuchin Convent, Athens, January 1811
- To John Cam Hobhouse, January 14th, 1811
- To John Cam Hobhouse, January 17th, 1811
- To his Mother, Athens, January 14, 1811
- To John Cam Hobhouse, Athens, March 5th, 1811


25-cone-up.gif (1085 byte) May 2001
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Section: Greek Language
Kleri Angelidou: The Greek language
From Efthyni, 311, 1997, pp. 501-502 transl. by M. Giachetti

Kleri Angelidou: La lingua greca
Da Efthyni, 311, 1997, pp. 501-502 traduzione di M. Giachetti

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Section: Poetry
  A poetical tribute to Greece
Here we are offering you some of the most beautiful and significant poems - in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Russian - inspired by the eternal message of Greece and Greek civilisation  through  the  ages  to poets in all parts of the world

in English
George Gordon Byron
from Don Juan, LXXX
Percy Bushel Shelley
John Keats
On a Grecian Urn
in French Victor Hugo
Charles Baudelaire
Un voyage ą Cythčre
in Italian
Lorenzo de’ Medici
Apollo e Pan
Canto d’Apollo
Canto di Pan
Giacomo Leopardi
  Ultimo canto di Saffo
Giosuč Carducci
A Febo Apolline
da Sogno d’estate
Giovanni Pascoli
in Spanish Jorge Luis Borges
Arte poetica
Edipo y el enigma
Musica griega
in Portuguese Jorge de Sena
Glosa de Menandro
  Em Creta, com o Minotauro
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Section : Neo graeca medii aevi, Travel in the Greek world

George Finlay: History of the Bizantine Empire from DCCXVI to MLVII

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Section : Spirituality, History of Art

Kostas E. Tsirņpulos: Romanesque painting - Byzantine painting
From Romanesque Painting - Byzantine Painting
Astir Publishing Company, Athens 1980, pp.152-157
English translation  by Ariadni Koumari-Sanford

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Sezione : Spiritualità, Poesia
Kostas E. Tsirņpulos: Preghiera
Da Cultura del corpo, Atene 1981 (trad. dal neogreco di M. Giachetti)
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Sezione : Spiritualità, Poesia, dall'antico Mondo greco
Christos Malevitis: La libertà primigenia in Aristofane
Da Efthyni, 285, 1995, pp. 450-51 trad. a cura di Mauro Giachetti
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Sezione : Spiritualità

Kostas E. Tsirņpulos: Avvelenatori di cuori
Da Efthyni, 285, 1995, pp. 450-51 trad. dal neogreco di M. Giachetti


25-cone-up.gif (1085 byte) Aprile 2001
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Sezione : Musica

Marek Zebrowski: Leaving Alexandria
a musical tribute to Constantine Cavafy (mp3 tracks)

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Sezione : Spettacoli

APRIL MAY JUNE     2 0 0 1


25-cone-up.gif (1085 byte) Marzo 2001
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Segnalazioni:    WWW.Cristianesimo - 700 siti scelti da Giorgio Girardet




25-cone-up.gif (1085 byte) Febbraio 2001
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Segnalazioni: La collana HELLENISMOS si arricchisce di due nuovi volumi



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Sezione : spettacoli


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Sezione : riviste

programma 1-16 Febbraio 2001


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Gennaio 2001
Sotiris Pastakas
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Sezione : Archeologia
Noi e gli antichi
O MENTOR, 30 giugno1994, pp. 58-59 (trad. a cura di Mauro Giachetti)
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Sezione : Poesia
Mauro Giachetti:
Costantino Kavafis e Bisanzio


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collana di testi di letteratura e spiritualitą neogreca diretta da Mauro Giachetti, edita da Servitium editrice  (catalogo)

collana disponibile su 

Propone una serie di testi della letteratura greca contemporanea, caratterizzati dalla cura della scrittura, dal taglio narrativo e dal tenore spirituale sotteso al racconto e alla riflessione, arricchendo il nostro catalogo gią significativamente aperto al dialogo con il mondo orientale greco-ortodosso.

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Kostas E. Tsirópulos




Servitium editrice, Bergamo 1999

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Kostas E. Tsirópulos

Sulla tenerezza



Servitium editrice, Bergamo 1999

Emanule Roģdis

Il lamento
del becchino


Servitium editrice, Bergamo 1999

Leggi la recensione di Socialtrends

Kostas Uranis



Servitium editrice, Bergamo 2000

Kostas Uranis

Al Monte Athos
Viaggio spirituale nel mondo greco


Servitium editrice, Bergamo 2000